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Showing posts from September, 2011

Are You Ready to Party??

Mark your calendar for the annual Infinity Halloween Bash on Friday, ** Oct. 21 , at the Ogden Studio from 6-8 p.m. Dancers are invited to dress up in a spooktacular costume and join us for games, treats, and tons of fun! Each team will be asked to help with candy and prize donations. Watch for more info to come! **Please note date change

New Cheer Class Offered!

We are SO excited to offer a new Cheer Prep Class on Wednesdays at the Ogden Studio from 4:00-5:00 p.m. If you are thinking about upcoming cheer tryouts, you won't want to miss this chance to learn technique and improve your tumbling skills! Ideal for ages 12 and up. Come and try one class for free!

Important Class Change Update for Sr. ADP

Please note the following class changes for Sr. ADP effective week of 9/19 : WEDNESDAY (at the Ogden Studio): No rehearsal class will be held from 8:00 to 9:00 p.m. Sr. ADP will finish at 8:00 p.m. on Wednesdays. THURSDAY (at the Brigham Studio): 4:00-5:00 Tap 5:00-6:00 Contemporary 6:00-7:00 Lyrical 7:00-8:00 Break 8:00-9:00 Ballet at Infinity Studio

Upcoming Payment Reminders

WARM UPS - If you are new on a company this year or need warm ups, payment is due Sep. 15. Cost is approximately $110 for jacket and pants, which includes name embroidered on the jacket and rhinestones. You can also have a name embroidered on the pants for an extra $10. COSTUMES - Company dancers should have made two costume payments, so far. Third costume payment is due Sep. 22 and the final balance due on costumes is Oct. 20. THE PULSE - Those attending the Pulse in Las Vegas, remember convention fee $210 and $25 competition fee will be due Oct. 3 Please check with the office if you have any questions on balances or payments. We really appreciate everyone keeping up on scheduled payments!!

Dance with the Judges Workshop

Schedule of Classes

Remember, Ogden Studio classes start Monday, 9/12! Both Studios will have classes at regular schedule this week. *Note, there is no school on 9/14 for Box Elder School District but CLASSES WILL BE HELD at the Brigham Studio. We are SO EXCITED to have everyone back and for all our new students!

Dance with the Judges Workshop

Dance with the Judges Workshop Saturday, Sept. 24 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Sports Academy in Logan If you are planning to attend, please call or text me ASAP! Remember, if you missed Full Out, this is a great convention to attend to make up. We will receive a group discount of $10 per person if we have 15 or more dancers attending and we register this weekend. Cost is $85 with the group discount, $95 for individuals. Registrations after this weekend are subject to a $10 late fee per dancer. Thanks! Eden (435) 225-2224

Pictures Still Needed!!

We still need pictures of our fabulous dancers for the Peach Days window display!! You can bring them by the Brigham studio today from 3:30-5:00 or contact Eden, Mindy, or Brandi to drop them off. We want to make sure you get your share of the spotlight so bring your dance items in today. Thanks!!

Peach Days Parade Info.

We are #32. Meet at Napa Auto Parts (500 S Main). Parade marchers be there at 9:00 a.m. sharp. If you are riding on the truck only, meet at 9:30. Wear your costume, black racer-back sports bra, black high-top converse, no-show socks, belt, sword, and bandana. Hair will be in a right, low curled pony tail with a part on the left. Remember, no earrings or fingernail polish. Riders may wear any combination of red, white, and black. The parade route ends at 600 North. All dancers must be picked up by a parent immediately following the parade . If you have permission to leave without a parent, you must bring a signed note or have your parent sign the list when they drop you off. We want all dancers accounted for! See you Saturday and most important, bring your smiles! Thanks for all your hard work!

Class Schedule Week of 9/5

Mon, 9/5 - Labor Day - NO Classes held at either Studio. Please note company dancers will not hold regular classes this week, but special rehearsals as previously posted WILL BE HELD. Ogden Studio will begin all new recreational and resume company classes on Monday, 9/12. BRIGHAM STUDIO Tue, 9/6 - No classes Wed, 9/7 -Boys Hip Hop, Wednesday 3 & 4 year olds, Jr. Team Rehearsal & Technique *Rehearsals for Move It (5:00-6:00), You're The One that I Want (6:00-7:00), and Parade (7:00-8:00) Meet at old K-Mart building Thu, 9/8 - Thursday 5 & 6/7 & 8 class OGDEN STUDIO Tue, 9/6 - No classes Wed, 9/7 - No classes Thu, 9/8 - Rehearsals for Be Still My Soul (5:00-5:30) and Dirty Bit (5:30-6:30) PEACH DAYS PERFORMANCE Sat, 9/10 - Parade starts at 10:00 a.m. Plan to meet at least an hour before. Line up location, parade number, and details will be posted shortly. Sat, 9/10 - 4:45 Performance of Be Still My Soul, Move It, and Dirty Bit. Meet at the Brigham Studio at 3:00 p.m...

Special Rehearsals

BRIGHAM STUDIO Sept 7, WED, 5:00-6:00 p.m. - I Like to Move it Sept 7, WED, 6:00-7:00 p.m. - You're the One that I Want Sept 7, WED, 7:00-8:00 p.m. - Parade (Meet at old K-Mart Parking lot) OGDEN STUDIO Sept 8, THU, 5:00-5:30 p.m. - Be Still My Soul - For dancers who attended 8/31 rehearsal and will be performing at Peach Days (Raini, Jordin, Andria, Ellie, Emily) Sept 8, THU, 5:30-6:30 p.m. - Dirty Bit and Be Still My Soul