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Showing posts from 2013

Studio Merchandise Pick Up Dates

The Studio merchandise is getting the final printing and rhinestone detailing finished. Merchandise will be available for pick up on the following dates: BRIGHAM STUDIO Saturday, Dec. 21 9-10 a.m. OGDEN STUDIO Monday, Dec. 23 9-10 a.m. Please make arrangements for someone to pick up your order during these times, if you want the items before the Christmas break. There are a few extra hoodies available for purchase at the Ogden Studio. Please call (801) 393-5200 or come in to check availability. Have a VERY, MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Competition Fees Past Due

All WDFF competition fees for routines and solos are now past due. If you haven't already done so, please make sure your payment is received this week. Our next convention and competition fees will be due Jan. 2 so please plan accordingly. Convention is $220 per dancer and $35 for each routine. 

Christmas Celebration and Schedule Reminders

Dancers, Reminder that we will be celebrating with a little party in the last technique class of the week. There will be an optional $5 gift exchange for those who would like to participate. Students may also bring a small treat to share, if they choose. NO CLASSES WILL BE HELD THE WEEK OF DECEMBER 23.  Enjoy your holiday. We wish all our Infinity families a blessed Christmas and a peaceful New Year!! Classes will resume on Thursday, January 2, at both Studios. 

Merchandise Orders

The Infinity merchandise shipment is in process and will be customized next week with the final printing, rhinestones, and embroidery. All orders are anticipated to be back before Christmas and a distribution date and time will be posted soon. Watch for more info as we receive status updates from our supplier.

Important Info. for Soloists/Duos & Trios

Competition season is on the way! Just a reminder, at competitions where Infinity team are competing, all soloists and duo/trios will be registered through the Studio. Solo registration forms will be available in the offices. At optional competitions, soloists will be required to register on their own as independents. Review the competition schedule and decide which competitions you plan to attend Check each individual competition website for specific rules and regulations. Every competition has their own guidelines and requirements Talk with your choreographer to verify appropriate category and level. (Soloists will compete at the same level as their team. For example, a dancer on a team that competes in the intermediate division will not be allowed to register a solo in the novice division.) Turn in your solo form with payment made to the Studio by the posted due date. Please be sure to complete all required information on each form. We generally have over 50 soloists from ou...

Competition Fees Due 12/5 and 1/2

Reminder - Competition fee is due December 5th . Cost is $30 per routine and will be $90 for most teams. Elite and Senior ADP will each be competing 8 routines. Solos are $80/duos & trios are $45 per dancer. Please check with the office if you have any questions. We appreciate your keeping accounts current and making timely payments!! PLEASE PLAN AHEAD for Convention and competition fees due January 2 . Convention is $220 per dancer and $35 per routine. Solos are $90/duos & trios are $45 per dancer.

Ballroom Master Class Rocks!!!

Thanks to Brandon Perry for a FABULOUS class! It was SO much fun!! We hope you come back soon!

Ballroom Master Class on Wednesday

Carrie has arranged for a world-class ballroom instructor to provide a master class for Senior and Elite ADP tomorrow (Wednesday, Nov. 20) at the Ogden Studio!! We are thrilled for this incredible opportunity! Attendance times will remain the same and all rehearsal classes will be held. Remember to bring your ballroom shoes and get set for a great time!!

Hip Hop Utah

Check out this awesome workshop opportunity with some of our favorite teachers!! Attending Hip Hop Utah will make a great early Christmas present! This workshop will also count as a make up convention if you missed Full Out.  Come and join  the fun! Saturday, December 7, 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Pulse Pics!

All our dancers rocked it at Pulse in Las Vegas! We had a blast!! Special kudos to scholarship winners:  Kylee Allen, Kenidee Allen, Addison Bell, and Jordin White.

Costume Orders and Competition Fees

Costume payments for all competition teams are now past due. Please check with the office if you have any questions about your balance. Costume fees for recreational classes will be due in January. Our first competition fee is due December 5 and will be $90 for most dancers ($30 per routine). The second competition includes a convention for all comp teams (Mini Company and older). Fees will be due January 2 . It is STRONGLY recommended that you make payments towards this competition in November. Convention cost is $220 (for two days) and $35 per routine. Be sure to pick up your competition schedule in the office, if you haven't already. Competition season is just around the corner! We are so excited!!

Scentsy Orders are Coming

Scentsy orders should be delivered to the Studios by Thursday. Please check on your items in the office. Ann Smith will still accept any last minute orders and have the products back by Christmas, if you missed the initial deadline. Also, if you have extra blank order forms or catalogs, please bring them back to the Studio for Ann to pick up. Thanks!

Competition Schedules are Available!

The 2013-2014 competition schedule is now available! Come by the office to get your copy and save the dates. Please pay close attention to deadlines and your account balance. Our competition season begins earlier this year and the first comp fees will be due on 12/5. Payment for another competition/convention will be due on 1/2 (for most dancers). It is HIGHLY recommended that a competition payment be made in November to avoid a very large balance due right after Christmas. Scentsy orders should be back in the next two weeks and credits will be applied by the end of the month. We are so excited for this year and know our dancers will make this an amazing season!!

Pulse Costume and Class Info.

For the Pulse performance dancers will need: Plaid top B lack leggings Black racerback  sports bra White tank top Red shoes Blue bandanna Black gloves Black socks to wear under leggings (these shouldn't show) Competition earrings True red lipstick Mandy is planning to hand out the last of the costume pieces on Wednesday. For those with long hair, style in a low, right messy braid. NO classes will be held for Senior and Elite ADP on Thursday, November 7th, or Monday, November 11th. ALL other classes will be held at regular schedule. All dancers attending Pulse will be excused from classes on Thursday and Monday for travel. Most important - bring LOTS of energy and get ready to have TONS of fun!

Pulse Important Info.

EVENT VENUE Bally’s Las Vegas 3645 Las Vegas Boulevard South Las Vegas, NV 89109 PRELIMINARY SCHEDULE - check the Pulse website for updates Schedule & Faculty INTERMEDIATE CLASS SCHEDULE Friday, November 8, 2013 3:30 –4:30 pm PULSE Showcase Preliminary Check-in 5:00 pm PULSE Showcase Preliminary 6:00-8:00 pm Early PULSE Check-in 7:00 –9:30 pm â€“ From Start to Stage: The Performance Number Rehearsal 7:00-8:00 pm Teacher Welcome Reception Saturday, November 9, 2013 8:00 – 9:30 am PULSE Check-in 8:00-9:00 am - From Start to Stage: The Performance Number Rehearsal 9:30 am Welcome and Faculty Introductions for ALL levels in Advanced Room 9:45 – 10:00 am Warm Up with Protégés 10:00 – 11:15 am Laurieann Gibson 10:15 am Parent Chat with PULSE Directors 11:15 – 12:30 pm Gil Duldulao 12:45-1:30 pm BOYS Class with Tyce Diorio 12:45 –1:30 pm GIRLS Class with Carmit Ba...

Peanut Butter JAMM... Final Details

IT'S ALMOST TIME…FINAL DETAILS! PEANUT BUTTER JAMM Sat. Nov. 2, 2013 Infinity Event Center 26 East 600 South  SLC, UT Look for the  BEAT BUS  in front! Doors Open 10:30 am   JR'S Age 6-11 11:00am  /  SR'S Age 12+ 1:00pm Entrance fee:  One small jar of peanut butter or $3 per person Free Vlado shoes for person bringing the most peanut butter (over 24 jars) Open Jamm with UDO, 2 on 2 Any Style Dance Battles,  Prize Drawings, Fun for the whole family! Community Sponsor:  Urban Dance Organization See "Big Chocolate" from UDO explain Battle Etiquette Parking & TRAX Information Parking by Infinity Event Center is AT&T parking- violators will be towed! Park at Little America Hotel located at  500 South Main Street Salt Lake City, Utah 84101 OR Ride Trax and get off at the Court House S...

Peanut Butter JAMM!!

Peanut Butter JAMM - Click here to get more info now!! Check out this video to get "tips" to prepare you for the battle! You will not want to miss all the fun! Talk to Mandy if you have any questions about this awesome event!! Get your friends together and get ready to JAMM to benefit the Will Dance for Food Kids Project!! 

Safety Alert at Brigham Studio

There was an article in the Brigham paper reporting a man has been attempting to lure children into a maroon vehicle in Perry. As a precaution, we are asking all dancers to wait inside the Studio for their rides . If your child doesn't have a cell phone, you can call the office at 435.723.1909 when you arrive and we will send students out to meet their ride.

Ririe-Woodbury Dance Tour in Brigham City!

The renowned Ririe-Woodbury Dance Company is touring Utah and Brigham City is one of their performance cities!! Mark your calendar and plan to attend this highly acclaimed Dance Company performance at the Fine Arts Center on November 8th with shows at 4:00 and 7:00 p.m. All students who wear something with their dance studio name or logo will receive $1.00 off student admission and will pay only $3.00 for admittance. Please contact the Brigham City Fine Arts Center for additional information: Brigham City Fine Arts Center 58 South 100 West Brigham City UT  84302 (435) 723-0740

Peanut Butter JAMM!

This season we are honored to be invited to participate in the Will Dance for Food Kids Project events. This is an amazing opportunity to do what we love (DANCE!!!) and help children and families who are less fortunate. Our Studio will be attending the Will Dance for Food Competition March 7-8, 2014. Here is another awesome event that is part of the Project. All Infinity dancers are invited to participate or support this event!! WILL DANCE FOR KIDS is a project designed to raise funds for children's charities through dance and dance competitions. When dancers compete they show the world the art, talents and skills they have learned. When they compete to make a difference in the lives of other kids, they learn something even more important, the art of giving. And when that happens, everyone wins! Mark your calendars for November 2 and get ready to have a BLAST! WDFKP PEANUT BUTTER JAMM   NOV 2, 2013 Here are some highlights: *  This event is to  Kick Off the...

NO Classes October 16-17/Carpools to Master Class

Reminder - no regular classes will be held at either Studio on October 16 and 17 so plan to attend the Master Class with Khasan Wednesday from 7:00-8:30 p.m. at Creative Arts. Khasan has danced with some of the industry's biggest names including Beyoncé, Katy Perry, JLo, Rhianna, Lady Gaga, and the list goes on and on!! This is a jazz funk class and it will be AMAZING!!! If you need a ride, meet the carpool at the Brigham Studio at 5:30 p.m. The Ogden carpools are meeting at the Ogden Studio at 6:00 p.m. Text 435.225.2224 if you need a ride from Brigham or message Mandy if you need a ride from Ogden to make sure you have a seat. See you soon!

Incredible Master Class on Wednesday, 10/16, with Khasan Brailsford!!

We are so lucky for the opportunity for a master class with Khasan while he is on tour with P!nk. Come take class with this amazing dancer who has been on tour with Beyoncé, Jennifer Lopez, Katy Perry, Kylie Minogue and Rihanna. He was assistant choreographer for Beyonc é  and has performed in award shows with Lady Gaga and Christina Aguilera, as well as many others.  Everyone is invited to attend and you do not want to miss this!!! Cost is only $20! Class starts at 7:00 p.m. at Creative Arts Academy in Bountiful. Share this message with all your friends and let's get several carpools going! Remember, we don't have regular classes Wednesday or Thursday so take advantage of this awesome opportunity! Creative Arts Academy  165 South Main Street Bountiful, Utah

Missing Pulse Waivers

Signed Pulse waivers are still needed for the following dancers: Avery Bell Meekela Medina Kenidee Allen Kylee Allen Kaiya Kawaguchi You can access the waivers from the following link: Please sign and forward your waiver ASAP to Thanks!!

October Calendar

October Month at a Glance : October 7-11 Regular classes at both Studios Pick up your Scentsy packets if you want to participate in the fundraiser October 14-15 Regular classes at both Studios October 16-18 NO Regular classes at either Studio - Fall Break *Watch for more info on a master class on October 16th from 7:00-8:30 p.m.! Location and cost TBA.  October 21-25 Regular classes at both Studios Scentsy packets due October 23 October 28-30 Regular classes at both Studios October 31 - NO Classes - Happy Halloween! Warm ups/Infinity Merchandise orders due October 28 Costume balances are due this month. Please check with the office to be sure you have a zero costume balance. Thanks!!

Scentsy Fundraisers Available Now

The Scentsy fundraiser packets are now available at both Studios. This is a great opportunity to earn credit toward upcoming competition expenses! Orders will be due back to the Studio on October 23. Instructions for the fundraiser are listed on the back of the packets. Please call Ann Smith at (208) 904-1652 if you have any questions! Happy selling!

Warm Ups & ID Merchandise Orders

All dancers on competition teams are required to have approved Infinity jackets and bottoms for competitions and conventions. Team and comp class dancers participating in only one competition are encouraged to purchase at least a jacket. We are excited to give our dancers several choices of travel attire, including the warm ups most students have from past seasons. Be sure to check out the new Infinity merchandise that is available in both offices. You will love the fun styles and these items make great Christmas gifts!  Although students have a choice of travel attire, Mandy expects all dancers to look clean and sharp at competitions. As you select your sizes, keep in mind that jackets are to be worn zipped up and must have coordinating pants or bottoms. DUE DATE FOR ALL WARM UPS AND TRAVEL ATTIRE ORDERS IS OCTOBER 28.  Thanks!!

Pulse Waivers

All dancers attending the Pulse must have a parent sign the release and waiver form by the end of the week. Forms are available in both offices or you can sign and return via e-mail to Thanks!!

Warm Ups & Costume Orders Due

Information on warm up options are available in the offices. You will LOVE the fun new merchandise options! Please remember to make your selections and payment so orders can be submitted timely. Costume balances are also due in October. Be sure you are making regular payments to take care of remaining balances this month and check with the office if you have questions about your account.

Pulse Payments Past Due

Pulse payments are now PAST DUE. All dancers must be paid in full in order to complete our registration by October 1 or the cost will increase for everyone! Price is $250 if you are performing In the House or $225 for convention only. Camp Pulse is $195. If you are planning to perform your solo, payment of $125 and solo information must be given to Eden by tomorrow (10/1). Observer bands are available for $35 for the weekend or $20 for one day (Saturday or Sunday only). Parents must also come in the office to sign a waiver for all participating dancers by Thursday, Oct. 4. Thanks!! 

Reminders Week of 9/23

Monday, Sept. 23 - Master Class with Chris Castillo at the Ogden Studio! We were lucky enough to snag Chris (currently on tour with Selena Gomez) for a master class from 7:30-9:00 p.m. He is AMAZING!! Regular classes will be held in 45-minute blocks to accommodate this fabulous opportunity. His rate is ONLY $15 per dancer and all intermediate to advanced-level students are invited to attend. Help spread the word and bring your friends to join in the fun!! Tuesday-Thursday - Regular classes at both Studios Friday & Saturday, Sept. 27 & 28 - Senior and Elite ADP choreography with Alan at the Ogden Studio. Friday from 3:30-9:00 p.m. and Saturday starting at 10:00 a.m. Choreography fee of $80 is due by Sept. 27. Remember to bring $5 if you want to go in on dinner Friday night. *For those attending Pulse, payment is also due this week.

Master Class with Chris Castillo - Monday, September 23!!

We were just contacted with another amazing offer for a master class with Chris Castillo !! All intermediate to advanced dancers from both Studios are invited to attend. Ogden Studio on Monday, September 23 7:30-9:00 p.m.  Cost is only $15 per dancer We encourage dancers to take advantage of this fabulous opportunity! Please help spread the word to all your friends since this was arranged on short notice. We just couldn't pass up this awesome offer!!

Missing Funkeys

Attention Ogden Teen Company and Jr. ADP dancers and parents - a pair of turquoise and black funkeys are missing from the room you were in on Thursday night. Many of you have these pants so if you find an extra pair in your dance bag, please return them to the office for Delany Stettler. She will be SO grateful!! Thanks!

Master Class with Jason Celaya!!

We are thrilled to have Jason Celaya in the house for a master class at the Ogden Studio on Wednesday, Sept. 18, from 8:00-9:30 p.m. Jason has choreographed and danced in music videos on MTV and VH1 and is in demand to teach all over the country.  Cost is only $5 each and all intermediate to advanced dancers ages 10+ from both Studios are invited to attend. Jason's classes are SO much fun! See you there!

Warm Ups Orders

We will be sending in orders for warm ups in a few weeks. Students may wear the same warm ups we have used for the past few years, as long as they are in good condition. In addition, several options will be offered again for dancers to wear at performances and competitions. All students on competition teams are required to have some approved Studio travel attire. Watch for information to be posted soon with selection choices and prices. Apparel will range from $45-$75 per item.

Call for Gently Used Dance Shoes

We have had requests from parents at the Brigham Studio for used dance shoes in good condition. Tan tap shoes are especially in demand. If you have any gently used shoes you would like to sell, please bring them to the office in a clear bag marked with your name, phone number, and the resale amount. Thanks!

Show Studio Pride

Please remember that no street shoes or food and drink are allowed in the dance rooms (except water). Help show your Studio pride by keeping all snacks in the cubby areas. Parents you can also help by sending snacks that aren't messy. Dancers perform best in an orderly environment! Thanks for your support!

Fall Classes Begin Monday, Sept. 9!

We are SO excited to see everyone back after the break and welcome our new students!! We are opening up the Monday 1:30 p.m. class in Brigham for 3-5 year olds. We also still have a few openings in the Team classes and for Boys Hip Hop at both Studios. Please call regarding availability for all other classes. See you soon!! Brigham Studio (435) 723-1909 - Ogden Studio (801) 393-5200