All dancers attending the Pulse must have a parent sign the release and waiver form by the end of the week. Forms are available in both offices or you can sign and return via e-mail to Thanks!!
Information on warm up options are available in the offices. You will LOVE the fun new merchandise options! Please remember to make your selections and payment so orders can be submitted timely. Costume balances are also due in October. Be sure you are making regular payments to take care of remaining balances this month and check with the office if you have questions about your account.
Pulse payments are now PAST DUE. All dancers must be paid in full in order to complete our registration by October 1 or the cost will increase for everyone! Price is $250 if you are performing In the House or $225 for convention only. Camp Pulse is $195. If you are planning to perform your solo, payment of $125 and solo information must be given to Eden by tomorrow (10/1). Observer bands are available for $35 for the weekend or $20 for one day (Saturday or Sunday only). Parents must also come in the office to sign a waiver for all participating dancers by Thursday, Oct. 4. Thanks!!
Monday, Sept. 23 - Master Class with Chris Castillo at the Ogden Studio! We were lucky enough to snag Chris (currently on tour with Selena Gomez) for a master class from 7:30-9:00 p.m. He is AMAZING!! Regular classes will be held in 45-minute blocks to accommodate this fabulous opportunity. His rate is ONLY $15 per dancer and all intermediate to advanced-level students are invited to attend. Help spread the word and bring your friends to join in the fun!! Tuesday-Thursday - Regular classes at both Studios Friday & Saturday, Sept. 27 & 28 - Senior and Elite ADP choreography with Alan at the Ogden Studio. Friday from 3:30-9:00 p.m. and Saturday starting at 10:00 a.m. Choreography fee of $80 is due by Sept. 27. Remember to bring $5 if you want to go in on dinner Friday night. *For those attending Pulse, payment is also due this week.
We were just contacted with another amazing offer for a master class with Chris Castillo !! All intermediate to advanced dancers from both Studios are invited to attend. Ogden Studio on Monday, September 23 7:30-9:00 p.m. Cost is only $15 per dancer We encourage dancers to take advantage of this fabulous opportunity! Please help spread the word to all your friends since this was arranged on short notice. We just couldn't pass up this awesome offer!!
Attention Ogden Teen Company and Jr. ADP dancers and parents - a pair of turquoise and black funkeys are missing from the room you were in on Thursday night. Many of you have these pants so if you find an extra pair in your dance bag, please return them to the office for Delany Stettler. She will be SO grateful!! Thanks!
We are thrilled to have Jason Celaya in the house for a master class at the Ogden Studio on Wednesday, Sept. 18, from 8:00-9:30 p.m. Jason has choreographed and danced in music videos on MTV and VH1 and is in demand to teach all over the country. Cost is only $5 each and all intermediate to advanced dancers ages 10+ from both Studios are invited to attend. Jason's classes are SO much fun! See you there!
We will be sending in orders for warm ups in a few weeks. Students may wear the same warm ups we have used for the past few years, as long as they are in good condition. In addition, several options will be offered again for dancers to wear at performances and competitions. All students on competition teams are required to have some approved Studio travel attire. Watch for information to be posted soon with selection choices and prices. Apparel will range from $45-$75 per item.
We have had requests from parents at the Brigham Studio for used dance shoes in good condition. Tan tap shoes are especially in demand. If you have any gently used shoes you would like to sell, please bring them to the office in a clear bag marked with your name, phone number, and the resale amount. Thanks!
If you have a school desk from a past hip hop routine in Brigham, please bring it back to the studio as soon as possible. The desks are needed for a routine in Ogden and there are only a few at the Studio. Thanks!
9/16 - $100 costume payment due ($75 for Ogden Tiny Prep/Tiny Tots) 9/23 - $250 Pulse Payment due for ADPs and any other students attending ($225 convention; $25 competition fee; $125 solos) 9/30 - $100-$120 Warm ups payment due for new students
Alan's hip hop choreography session has been scheduled for September 27 & 28. Plan on Friday from 3:30-9:00 p.m. and Saturday all day starting at 10:00 a.m. Choreography fee is $80 per dancer and will be due by September 27. Bring $5 if you want to go in on dinner Friday night!
Please remember that no street shoes or food and drink are allowed in the dance rooms (except water). Help show your Studio pride by keeping all snacks in the cubby areas. Parents you can also help by sending snacks that aren't messy. Dancers perform best in an orderly environment! Thanks for your support!
We are SO excited to see everyone back after the break and welcome our new students!! We are opening up the Monday 1:30 p.m. class in Brigham for 3-5 year olds. We also still have a few openings in the Team classes and for Boys Hip Hop at both Studios. Please call regarding availability for all other classes. See you soon!! Brigham Studio (435) 723-1909 - Ogden Studio (801) 393-5200
Peach Days Parade - We are #40 and our check in station is E4. This is near the corner of 400 South and Main Street. Please enter from 200 East and 500 South. Our vehicle is required to be there at 8:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. D ancers line up in the middle of the block between 400 and 500 South on Main Street. This is south of LAF Graphics and near Brigham Floral. Main Street will be closed so plan on parking several blocks to the east and walking to the check in station to drop off dancers. The parade ends at 600 North. Please make arrangements to pick up your dancer immediately after they reach the end of the parade route. Dancers must be picked up by a parent within 5 minutes of finishing or have note giving permission for other arrangements. Peach Days Performance - 5:45 p.m. 4:00 p.m. Dancers meet at the Brigham Studio to get ready and mark routines. We will walk together 2 blocks to the Main Street stage. Routine line up: When We Get Dow...
Dear Dumb Diary airs on Friday, September 6, on the Hallmark channel at 8/7c. The movie features principal dancers Mira Spendlove and Kennidee Allen, along with Cazley Nay and many other Infinity Dance friends!! You've gotta watch this cute movie! Check out the Dear Dumb Diary Trailer .
The final parade practice is Thursday, 9/5, from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Meet at the Room Loft Furniture Store in Brigham, 4 75 E 1000 S (Turn east at Burger King on Main Street and go straight 4 blocks). You must be there to pick up your costume and receive hair and makeup instructions. Remember, we are #40 in the Parade. Refer to the previous post with the meeting location map and parade line-up details.
This is a great workshop and will count as a make up convention if you missed Full Out. If we have 15+ dancers attending from Infinity, cost will be only $95 per dancer for those registered by September 6! After September 6, the fee increases by $10. If 1-14 dancers attend, cost is $105 before 9/6. Please let me know if you plan to attend so we can receive the group discount price! E-mail by Thursday night, September 5.
Reminder our final parade practice is this Thursday, 9/5, from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Meet at the Room Loft Furniture Store in Brigham ( 475 E 1000 S). COSTUMES will be handed out that night. Please be there so you will have all the information you need for Saturday. Thanks!
Check out the pics from the Dancing Under the Stars Performance courtesy of Dave Brewer! It was a fabulous show - Shaping Sound was AMAZING, along with all the other great acts! Malece and Jenna were there, too! Dancing Under the Stars Facebook Gallery