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Showing posts from October, 2013

Peanut Butter JAMM... Final Details

IT'S ALMOST TIMEā€¦FINAL DETAILS! PEANUT BUTTER JAMM Sat. Nov. 2, 2013 Infinity Event Center 26 East 600 South  SLC, UT Look for the  BEAT BUS  in front! Doors Open 10:30 am   JR'S Age 6-11 11:00am  /  SR'S Age 12+ 1:00pm Entrance fee:  One small jar of peanut butter or $3 per person Free Vlado shoes for person bringing the most peanut butter (over 24 jars) Open Jamm with UDO, 2 on 2 Any Style Dance Battles,  Prize Drawings, Fun for the whole family! Community Sponsor:  Urban Dance Organization See "Big Chocolate" from UDO explain Battle Etiquette Parking & TRAX Information Parking by Infinity Event Center is AT&T parking- violators will be towed! Park at Little America Hotel located at  500 South Main Street Salt Lake City, Utah 84101 OR Ride Trax and get off at the Court House S...

Peanut Butter JAMM!!

Peanut Butter JAMM - Click here to get more info now!! Check out this video to get "tips" to prepare you for the battle! You will not want to miss all the fun! Talk to Mandy if you have any questions about this awesome event!! Get your friends together and get ready to JAMM to benefit the Will Dance for Food Kids Project!! 

Safety Alert at Brigham Studio

There was an article in the Brigham paper reporting a man has been attempting to lure children into a maroon vehicle in Perry. As a precaution, we are asking all dancers to wait inside the Studio for their rides . If your child doesn't have a cell phone, you can call the office at 435.723.1909 when you arrive and we will send students out to meet their ride.

Ririe-Woodbury Dance Tour in Brigham City!

The renowned Ririe-Woodbury Dance Company is touring Utah and Brigham City is one of their performance cities!! Mark your calendar and plan to attend this highly acclaimed Dance Company performance at the Fine Arts Center on November 8th with shows at 4:00 and 7:00 p.m. All students who wear something with their dance studio name or logo will receive $1.00 off student admission and will pay only $3.00 for admittance. Please contact the Brigham City Fine Arts Center for additional information: Brigham City Fine Arts Center 58 South 100 West Brigham City UT  84302 (435) 723-0740

Peanut Butter JAMM!

This season we are honored to be invited to participate in the Will Dance for Food Kids Project events. This is an amazing opportunity to do what we love (DANCE!!!) and help children and families who are less fortunate. Our Studio will be attending the Will Dance for Food Competition March 7-8, 2014. Here is another awesome event that is part of the Project. All Infinity dancers are invited to participate or support this event!! WILL DANCE FOR KIDS is a project designed to raise funds for children's charities through dance and dance competitions. When dancers compete they show the world the art, talents and skills they have learned. When they compete to make a difference in the lives of other kids, they learn something even more important, the art of giving. And when that happens, everyone wins! Mark your calendars for November 2 and get ready to have a BLAST! WDFKP PEANUT BUTTER JAMM   NOV 2, 2013 Here are some highlights: *  This event is to  Kick Off the...

NO Classes October 16-17/Carpools to Master Class

Reminder - no regular classes will be held at either Studio on October 16 and 17 so plan to attend the Master Class with Khasan Wednesday from 7:00-8:30 p.m. at Creative Arts. Khasan has danced with some of the industry's biggest names including BeyoncƩ, Katy Perry, JLo, Rhianna, Lady Gaga, and the list goes on and on!! This is a jazz funk class and it will be AMAZING!!! If you need a ride, meet the carpool at the Brigham Studio at 5:30 p.m. The Ogden carpools are meeting at the Ogden Studio at 6:00 p.m. Text 435.225.2224 if you need a ride from Brigham or message Mandy if you need a ride from Ogden to make sure you have a seat. See you soon!

Incredible Master Class on Wednesday, 10/16, with Khasan Brailsford!!

We are so lucky for the opportunity for a master class with Khasan while he is on tour with P!nk. Come take class with this amazing dancer who has been on tour with BeyoncĆ©, Jennifer Lopez, Katy Perry, Kylie Minogue and Rihanna. He was assistant choreographer for Beyonc Ć©  and has performed in award shows with Lady Gaga and Christina Aguilera, as well as many others.  Everyone is invited to attend and you do not want to miss this!!! Cost is only $20! Class starts at 7:00 p.m. at Creative Arts Academy in Bountiful. Share this message with all your friends and let's get several carpools going! Remember, we don't have regular classes Wednesday or Thursday so take advantage of this awesome opportunity! Creative Arts Academy  165 South Main Street Bountiful, Utah

Missing Pulse Waivers

Signed Pulse waivers are still needed for the following dancers: Avery Bell Meekela Medina Kenidee Allen Kylee Allen Kaiya Kawaguchi You can access the waivers from the following link: Please sign and forward your waiver ASAP to Thanks!!

October Calendar

October Month at a Glance : October 7-11 Regular classes at both Studios Pick up your Scentsy packets if you want to participate in the fundraiser October 14-15 Regular classes at both Studios October 16-18 NO Regular classes at either Studio - Fall Break *Watch for more info on a master class on October 16th from 7:00-8:30 p.m.! Location and cost TBA.  October 21-25 Regular classes at both Studios Scentsy packets due October 23 October 28-30 Regular classes at both Studios October 31 - NO Classes - Happy Halloween! Warm ups/Infinity Merchandise orders due October 28 Costume balances are due this month. Please check with the office to be sure you have a zero costume balance. Thanks!!

Scentsy Fundraisers Available Now

The Scentsy fundraiser packets are now available at both Studios. This is a great opportunity to earn credit toward upcoming competition expenses! Orders will be due back to the Studio on October 23. Instructions for the fundraiser are listed on the back of the packets. Please call Ann Smith at (208) 904-1652 if you have any questions! Happy selling!

Warm Ups & ID Merchandise Orders

All dancers on competition teams are required to have approved Infinity jackets and bottoms for competitions and conventions. Team and comp class dancers participating in only one competition are encouraged to purchase at least a jacket. We are excited to give our dancers several choices of travel attire, including the warm ups most students have from past seasons. Be sure to check out the new Infinity merchandise that is available in both offices. You will love the fun styles and these items make great Christmas gifts!  Although students have a choice of travel attire, Mandy expects all dancers to look clean and sharp at competitions. As you select your sizes, keep in mind that jackets are to be worn zipped up and must have coordinating pants or bottoms. DUE DATE FOR ALL WARM UPS AND TRAVEL ATTIRE ORDERS IS OCTOBER 28.  Thanks!!