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Showing posts from January, 2017

Brigham Junior & Elite IDC Rehearsal FEB 11

Karson and Celene are holding an extra rehearsal for Brigham Junior IDC and Elite IDC dancers at the Brigham Studio on Saturday, FEB 11. Each teacher will work with the teams for a two-hour block. Please be sure this date is on your calendar. With multiple absences due to the weather and illness, we really need EVERYONE at the rehearsal to be confident and ready to shine for competition! Thanks!! 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. (Bring a light lunch & a few snacks)

Costume Updates

We are starting to receive costumes and they will be ready to distribute prior to each teams' first competition. Accounts MUST be current with a zero balance in order for your dancer to take costumes home. This includes ALL costume, tuition, competition and accessory fees. Please check with the office if you have any questions regarding your account balance. Thanks!!

Last Call for Convention Scholarships

I have received notice that the following dancers have scholarships for the regional Velocity Convention. If your dancer has a scholarship and is not on this list, please e-mail ASAP with the scholarship type (Tour, Regional, MVA, MVA Runner Up). Thanks! Kamryn T Addi Ambree Averi C Baylee Emilia Jagger Kaiya Kenidee Kylee Lexi Mikelle Kennedy Daisy Livi

March 17-18 IPC, IDC & ADP Competition & SOLO Info.

Reminder - All IPC, IDC, & ADP teams will be attending this competition in Riverton. Team fees are $30 per dancer per routine/Solo $98/Duo/Trio $68 per dancer. This competition is filling up fast on solos and will close when full, regardless of the registration deadline. Solo forms are now available in the offices. Please turn in your solo registration and team/solo payment AS SOON AS POSSIBLE so we can try to accommodate every dancer who wants to compete. Solos will be registered on a first-come, first-served basis. Check with the office if you have any questions. Thanks!!

Updated IDC Solo Registrations: March 3-4

The following solos/duos are registered for the IDC March 3-4 competition. Please review and e-mail ASAP if any changes need to be made. Thanks!! SOLO/DUO/TRIO ROUTINE NAME CATEGORY PERFORMANCE CATEGORY ABILITY AGE DIVISION Rule the World Solo Open Intermediate Mini: Average age 6-8 Wind it Up Duo Open Beginning Mini: Average age 6-8 Let the Light Flow In Solo Open Beginning Teen: Average age 12-14 Mama You Solo Jazz Beginning Junior: Average age 9-11 You Don't Own Me Solo Jazz Intermediate Teen: Average age 12-14 Mambo Solo Jazz Beginning Junior: Average age 9-11 Bongo Bongo Duo Jazz Beginning Junior: Aver...

ACTION NEEDED BY JAN 9: Hollywood Vibe Solos!

If your dancer is attending the convention and interested in competing a solo at Hollywood Vibe, please make sure you have filled out a solo registration form and have your name on the list for consideration in the Ogden Office BY MONDAY, JAN. 9. There is a limited number of solo slots available at the competition and solos will be auditioned and selected by the Director. Payment is due upon registration. Thanks!

Summer Nationals 2017

The Studio is planning to attend a national event this summer the end of June or first week of July 2017. Select ADP routines will be competing. The event and venue will be determined after regional competitions. Please keep this opportunity in mind and watch for more details to come!

ADP Convention/Competition Info.

Fees for the Feb. 16-18 ADP convention and competition are now past due. The competition has a studio routine limit and solos may need to be auditioned by the Director for this event. Dancers must be attending the convention in order to compete and are limited to one solo. More information on solo availability will be available by the first of next week. Fees for the March 2-4 ADP convention and competition are due JANUARY 12. There is also a limit of one solo per dancer at this competition. Please check with the office if you have any questions regarding the competition schedule or your account balance. Attendance is critical during the upcoming weeks as we make final preparations for competitions. Please make every effort to have dancers attend all rehearsal classes during this time. Thanks!!

David's Saturday Classes Resume!!

We are SUPER excited to welcome DAVID WOODS as our newest faculty member! He is amazing!!! David's classes resume this Saturday, January 7, at the Ogden Studio. Bring a friend and take advantage of this incredible training opportunity. These classes are HIGHLY recommended for dancers of all levels to increase skills.   9:00-10:00 AM Intermediate Ballet (8-11 years) 10:00-11:00 AM Intermediate/Advanced Pilates 11:00-12:00 PM Intermediate/Advance Ballet/Pointe (12+ up) David Woods, M.F.A., University of Arizona, B.F.A., University of Utah, ACE Personal Trainer, AFFA Certified, Resist-a-Ball Master Trainer and Brick Bodys Spin instructor, has been a dance and fitness professional since 1985. His Ballet training began under the direction of William F. Christensen, Ballet West, with various other teachers throughout the Pacific Ballet Region. David has performed with Lexington Ballet, Lexington Kentucky; Montgome...