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Showing posts from 2018

January Classes Resume

Wishing everyone a fantastic New Year!! Classes resume this week: Brigham, Wednesday, Jan 2 Ogden, Thursday, Jan 3 Please note the date change for the Ogden Studio due to a number of students still being out of town on the 2 nd Come back ready to hit it hard! We are starting competition season and expect full attendance, effort and focus from everyone at this time. Thanks!! A NOTE FROM MANDY: ATTENDANCE HERE FORTH IS MANDATORY 😃

Update: IPC Team Jackets

We are still waiting on the try on samples for the IPC Team jackets and received word today they won’t arrive until after Christmas. We hope to have them available when we return from the holiday break and will post information as soon as they arrive to ensure IPC dancers are sized correctly. Thank you!

Costume Shop OPEN AGAIN Wednesday-Thursday

The annual solo costume consignment sale continues!  There are still some great costumes available! The costume shop will be open in the break room at the Ogden Studio: 12/19   Wednesday  4-8 pm 12/20   Thursday  4-8 pm There will be a 20-percent consignment fee and the remainder of sales will be applied directly to your account as a credit. All costumes that are not sold must be picked up by the first week we return from the holiday break.    Please clearly mark all items with your name, size and price. 

Call for Solo Registrations!!

Velocity and Dare2Dance solo registration forms will be available in the office starting Wednesday, Dec. 19. Please note there is routine limit at the Velocity competition. Dancers will be considered for one solo based on availability and the discretion of the Studio Director and are not guaranteed. Solo registrations for both competitions are due Thursday, Jan. 3. Reminder all team fees must be paid in order to register a solo. COMPLETED FORMS (ALL fields PLEASE!) may also be emailed to during the holiday break. Thanks!

Velocity Convention Payment Due

Reminder ADP teams have the following payments due: 12/20/18 Velocity Convention Fee Due ($245) 01/02/19 Velocity Competition Fees Due ($110 solo/$55 duo-trio/$50 each team routine) Most all teams have competition payments due early in January so please plan accordingly and check with the office if you have any questions. Thanks! 😊

Thursday Class Schedule

Please note all regular classes will be held before the party. Classes will also be held starting at 4 PM at the Brigham Studio and the teachers are planning on everyone for rehearsals. Thanks! Infinity Studio Christmas Party!!    DECEMBER 20 OGDEN STUDIO 6:00 PM Wear your favorite jammies and bring a treat to share!

Discount on SALT Winter Workshop Dec 27-29

This is an optional opportunity. If you choose to attend, dancers are responsible for their own registration.   Attend SALT's Winter Workshop Learn SALT repertory, and take classes from Guest Artists and SALT instructors in  contemporary, ballet, improvisation, partnering,  and  choreography. $100 FULL WORKSHOP OR $40 PER DAY REGISTER NOW Take classes from professionals, dance alongside SALT Dancers, and kickstart 2019 SALT's Winter Workshop December 27-29 @ Artistic Dance Project in Pleasant Grove, UT Classes are 11am-2pm each day

Studio Solo Championship Invitation

Optional solo competition opportunity. If you choose to attend, you are responsible for your own registration.

Important Nutcracker Redux Performance Info!

A message from Derryl, Director of Odyssey: Hey Everyone - here is the Master Schedule for the performances of Redux Nut-Cracker season at Kingsbury Hall - Please have your kids at the theater at least 1/2 hour before their scheduled rehearsal time.   Tuesday, December 18th 8:00-9:00 am Party Girls Dress rehearsal onstage (arrive between 7:30-7:45) 9:00-10:00 am Mario and Luigi Dress Rehearsal onstage Show starts at 11:00 am (1 hour and 20 minutes long) Tuesday Evening Show, December 18th 7:00 pm Mario and Luigi call time 7:30 Show Starts Party Kids should come in what they would be wearing for the show (The party Kids should do their own outfits - contempo bright colors - earth tones...something they can dance in and have a pocket for their own cell phone) Mario’s and Luigi’s will get fitted for their costumes so they can rehearse in them on stage. (Marios and Luigis will have hats and outfits supplied for them - they just need...

Alan Salazar's Invitation to Transcend!

More info on Transcend! Reminder, Infinity has a special invitation to this event from Alan Salazar and he is on faculty!! See the previous post with special discounted pricing. This is an incredible deal! Please email if you plan to attend so we have a count on the number of dancers that will be registering. Thanks!

Come Shop-Costume Sale December 13-15!

The annual solo costume consignment sale starts tomorrow! The costume shop will be open in the break room at the Ogden Studio the following days/times: 12/13   Thursday 4-8 pm 12/14   Friday 5-7 pm 12/15   Saturday 10 am – 1 pm We are now accepting gently used costumes from previous seasons that anyone from our Studio would like to sell. There will be a 20-percent consignment fee and the remainder of sales will be applied directly to your account as a credit. All costumes that are not sold must be picked up by the first week we return from the holiday break.   Please clearly mark all items with your name, size and price and have them at the Ogden Studio by 4 pm on Thursday, December 13. 

Save the Date - Infinity Christmas Party!!

Save the date for the Infinity Studio Christmas Party!!  DECEMBER 20 OGDEN STUDIO 6:00 PM Wear your favorite jammies and bring a treat to share!

Special Invitation for Transcend Convention/Competition

Infinity dancers have received a very special invitation to the Transcend convention/competition at an amazing discount rate! Dancers may attend the convention and compete solos, (no team routines will be competing) if we have 15 students who register. About Transcend:  Transcend is an  invitation/submission-only convention & competition for advanced dancers  and is honored to extend an offer to Infinity based on our faculty’s recommendations!  Transcend's goal is to bring together passionate dancers of all ages with similar goals and levels of commitment.  This in turn naturally creates an environment where dancers are able to grow faster, inspire and push each other, and create a network of like-minded individuals! Beyond contemporary, jazz, and hip-hop classes - Transcend offers classes in ballroom, musical theater, improv, and an optional heels foundation class for dancers 16&up. Transcend also has partnerships with many major dance studios a...

Updated Competition Fee Schedule

Since ADP teams will not be competing at Hall of Fame, the competition fee schedule has been adjusted to the following: 12/20/18 Velocity Convention Fee Due ($245) 01/02/19 Velocity Competition Fees Due ($110 solo/$55 duo-trio/$50 each team routine) Please check with the office if you have any questions. Thanks!

ADP Dress Rehearsal Feb 8-9

Hall of Fame has decided to cancel the Utah event from their 2019 regional schedule 🙁. In place of the competition that weekend, we will have a mandatory ADP dress rehearsal February 8-9 to prepare for Velocity the following week.  Please keep this date saved on your calendar. Thanks! 

Please Check the Lost & Found

The Lost and Found at the Studio is overflowing and getting out of control! Please check it the next time your dancer has class. All unclaimed items will be donated to the Deseret Industries over the Christmas break.  Thanks!

Review: WDFKP Solos

The following solos have been requested for registration for the WDFKP competition. Please email ASAP if any changes need to be made. Thanks! 😊

Nutcracker Redux Performance Info!

We have been invited to perform in Odyssey Dance's Nutcracker Redux!! Congratulations to those dancers who have been cast. Both the Party Girls and Marios & Luigis will be performing at the matinee show at Kingsbury Hall on Tuesday, December 18, at 10:00 a.m. This show will be a special performance for underprivileged students in the area. We have a few seats available for parents to see this show but spaces will be very limited. Please let McKenna know if you are interested in attending this performance. The Mario and Luigi cast will also be performing at the 7:00 p.m. evening show on December 18 . We ask that parents of the girls in this cast come to the evening show and leave the few matinee tickets available for the Party Girl cast's parents, since that will be their only performance. Evening show tickets will be available to purchase online. Please enter the code STUDIO for a 20% discount.   Dancers in The Party Girl cast have all been emailed video tutor...


Just a reminder the store will be closing on Thursday at midnight.  This will be your only opportunity to order these items!  :)

Thanksgiving Break Nov. 21-23

Reminder – no classes will be held at either Studio November 21-23. Give thanks and cherish time with family and friends!!

Important Fees Reminder!

Reminder accessory fees are due November 15 and the first competition fees for ADPs, Companies and IDC teams are due November 29. Please check with the office if you have questions regarding your account or the competition schedule. Costume fees are now PAST DUE and late fees will be added to any accounts with overdue balances. Please plan accordingly for payments. We know there is a lot going on this time of year. Thanks!! 😊😊

Call for WDFKP Solo Info

We are working to finalize the WDFKP solo registration. If you submitted a registration form but didn’t have all the routine details at that time, please email ASAP with your routine details.  We need ALL of the following info by 11/17: Routine Name, length, choreographer, prop description, ability and performance category . Please get with your teacher if you need help getting these details. Thanks!!

Teen ADP Choreography & Masterclasses Monday

Teen ADP will be finishing choreography with Hailee and having two master classes with Hailee and James tomorrow evening! We are super excited to have these amazing teachers in the house!! Cost is only $25 for both classes! Monday, Nov 12: 4-5 pm Choreo w/Hailee 5-6 pm Masterclass w/*Hailee & James (jazz) 6-7 pm Masterclass w/*Hailee & James (hip hop) 7-8 pm Choreo w/Hailee *Dancers will be split for the master classes and will have Hailee for one class and then James for the second class. It will be an awesome night!!


THE SHOP IS OPEN!  Get your orders in by NOVEMBER 22nd!  We will not be re-opening for orders after that date to make sure all orders are ready for Christmas!

Win Free Vlados from WDFKP!

2019: Infinity Competition Schedule

Please get these dates on your calendar now. A schedule with additional details will be available in the office next week. Thanks! 😊

SAVE the Dates!! 2019 Competition Schedule

Please get these dates on your calendar now. A schedule with additional details will be available in the office next week. Thanks! 😊

Production Costume Buy Back

Lindsey is buying back last season's Senior dresses for $70 and Teen/Premier maroon vests for $30. Please bring cleaned costumes to the Ogden Studio as soon as possible so account credit can be issued. Thanks!

No Classes on OCT 31

Happy Halloween!

Phone Videography Class @Infinity OCT 29

Have you ever wanted to know how to take Insta/YouTube worthy videos straight from your phone? @rileysinaband will be in the house Monday night at the Ogden Studio to teach us how! Please notice which apps need to be pre-downloaded on your phone before class. Yes, these apps cost but will be well worth it! Non Infinity dancers are welcome with a $10 class fee. See you the re!!

Peanut Butter JAMM Pre-Registration Open

A MAZING Audition Opportunity OCT 26!!

AMAZING opportunity to have a Casting Agent IN HOUSE on Friday... make sure you review the requirements for the audition... Casting currently for A&E/Lifetime new series "School of Dance". Do not miss this!!!!

Infinity Trunk or Treat and Wednesday (10/24) Class Schedule

All dancers from both Studios are invited! Brigham Studio classes will end @ 6 PM so everyone can participate. Infinity trunk or treat at the Ogden studio October 24th 7 pm. Prizes of studio account credit for best decorated trunks!  $200 1st place $100 2nd place $50 3rd place 2761 S 1900 W, Ogden

Costume Payments Coming Due

Reminder–costume fees are due Oct. 25. Please plan to get payment in this week. Thanks!

Updated Time for Trunk or Treat Starting @7 PM!

Halloween trunk or treat at the ogden studio on October 24th at 7 pm. Save the date and watch for more info to come!

Trunk or Treat October 24!!

Halloween trunk or treat at the ogden studio on October 24th at 7 pm. Save the date and watch for more info to come!

Monday Master Class with Dave Scott!!

LUCKY DANCERS!! The official Dave Scott will be in the house on Monday, October 15, from 7:00-8:30 PM open to the public! Advanced dancers only please. This is a mandatory class for Extreme, Premier, Teen and Senior ADP. $25 per person…It’s going to go off!!!

Fall Break - Oct 18-19

Reminder - no regular classes will be held October 18-19 over Fall Break for both Studios. Enjoy your days off!!

WDFKP: Call for Solo Registrations

We are working to finalize the 2019 competition schedule and will have details posted by the end of October. Infinity will be competing at Will Dance for Kids Project (WDFKP) on March 1-2 at Taylorsville High School and ADP, Company and IDC teams will most likely be participating. The competition has opened registration and their solo slots are already filling up. If you are interested in competing a solo at WDFKP, please fill out a registration form and sign up on the list in the office ASAP. We will try to accommodate as many solos as possible but can’t guarantee any solo registrations. Registrations will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.  Thanks!! 😊

Scentsy Packets DUE OCT 8

Hey everyone! Just wanted to send out a reminder that all Scentsy fundraiser packets are due tomorrow, Monday, October 8. We will pick them up around 8 pm. If you took a packet and didn’t use it, will you please return it anyway. We can reuse the supplies. Also, we will keep the online order link open until Wednesday morning if you still want to collect orders online. Here is the link:! Thanks so much for your participation. Please let me know if you have any other questions. Thanks, Samantha 801-663-3477

Scentsy Packets are HERE!

Scentsy packets are now available at both Studios and the fundraiser is ON! Reminder - dancers will earn 25% of all sales (before taxes),  anyone that sells more than $500 will receive 30% of all sales! If you would like to participate with online orders only, you can go to and click on the “Infinity Dance Fundraiser” link. We will have instructions for online ordering at the studio to pick up and also included in the fundraiser packets. All online orders will be directly shipped to the customer. For online orders, make sure to text the customer name and your dancers name to Ann @ 208-760-7566 or Samantha @ 801-663-3477 to ensure sure you get credit for those orders. We will collect packets on October 8 th .    It is important that packets are turned in on time so commissions can be paid before fees are due in October. We will deliver orders to the studio the week of October 22 nd .    All orders will be sorted, bagged and ready...

In-House Intensive Schedule

We can’t WAIT for the Intensive starting Thursday!!! Check out the bios for this all-star faculty and you won’t believe the talent that is coming to Infinity!! CJ Salvador, Alex Fetbroth, Kevin Maher, Alan Salazar, KC Monnie, Jeffrey Louizia, Jordan Dodderer, Ian Chubb, Jessica Starr, Natalie Keyes and more!! We are checking on the option of offering Great Harvest/Old Gristmill sack lunches on Saturday and will have snacks and drinks available for purchase the other days. Be sure you have signed the participation waiver for your dancer and get ready for an incredible experience!!