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Showing posts from September, 2018

Scentsy Packets are HERE!

Scentsy packets are now available at both Studios and the fundraiser is ON! Reminder - dancers will earn 25% of all sales (before taxes),  anyone that sells more than $500 will receive 30% of all sales! If you would like to participate with online orders only, you can go to and click on the “Infinity Dance Fundraiser” link. We will have instructions for online ordering at the studio to pick up and also included in the fundraiser packets. All online orders will be directly shipped to the customer. For online orders, make sure to text the customer name and your dancers name to Ann @ 208-760-7566 or Samantha @ 801-663-3477 to ensure sure you get credit for those orders. We will collect packets on October 8 th .    It is important that packets are turned in on time so commissions can be paid before fees are due in October. We will deliver orders to the studio the week of October 22 nd .    All orders will be sorted, bagged and ready...

In-House Intensive Schedule

We can’t WAIT for the Intensive starting Thursday!!! Check out the bios for this all-star faculty and you won’t believe the talent that is coming to Infinity!! CJ Salvador, Alex Fetbroth, Kevin Maher, Alan Salazar, KC Monnie, Jeffrey Louizia, Jordan Dodderer, Ian Chubb, Jessica Starr, Natalie Keyes and more!! We are checking on the option of offering Great Harvest/Old Gristmill sack lunches on Saturday and will have snacks and drinks available for purchase the other days. Be sure you have signed the participation waiver for your dancer and get ready for an incredible experience!!

Scentsy Fundraiser Update!

A message from our Scentsy Rep:  Dear Dancers and Parents, My fundraiser supplies were supposed to finally be delivered today after waiting for several weeks. I ordered two Fridays ago and when I called again today, Scentsy said a label was created but for some reason the packets never left the warehouse. I apologize for the inconvenience and will bring the packets as soon as I get the materials, hopefully by Wednesday. You are welcome to start doing online orders or wait till the packets come. I am so sorry... Thanks for your patience and working with me! Samantha

Wild, Wild West Costumes Wanted!!

Lindsey is looking to buy production costumes from last year and needs most every costume available in teen and senior sizes. Costumes must fit high school aged dancers. She would like three different styles so if you are interested in selling yours, please bring it to the Ogden Office as soon as possible! Be sure costumes are cleaned and marked with your name so credit may be posted to your account. Thanks!! 😊

Infinity Intensive General Schedule

Infinity Intensive General Schedule September 27-29 Thursday & Friday 4:00 - 9:00 PM (Juniors/Teens/Seniors) Saturday 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM (Juniors/Teens/Seniors) Saturday 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM Jumpstarts Jumpstarts = Tiny IPC, Mini IPC, Junior IPC, Mini Company, Mini IDC All dancers participating in the Intensive need a signed registration and liability waiver. Please come in to the office during regular hours to sign the release for your dancer by Wednesday, September 26. Arrive 10-15 minutes early so you can be IN class ON the floor ready to dance at the top of the hour. We have some of the BIGGEST names in the industry as faculty so plan to work super hard and bring your best attitude and efforts!! Also send plenty of hydration and healthy snacks to keep your dancer going throughout the evening. Be prepared for a variety of class styles and bring hip hop shoes. Please carpool and drop off/pick up quickly. We aren’t able to accommodate parenti...

Peanut Butter JAMM is Coming NOV 10!

An invitation from Penny, Director of Will Dance for Kids Project It’s Peanut Butter JAMM time‼️ Please help us feed hungry kids by having a peanut butter drive at your studio.  (See attached flyer).  The winning Studio wins a Pizza Party.  Peanut Butter JAMM is Nov 10 at the Gallivan Center.   Director that brings the most dancers wins $100 cash prize.  Jr Battle Winners $200 cash prize & Vlado shoes Sr Battle Winners $400 cash prize & Vlado shoes.  Watch for Peanut Butter JAMM flyers arriving at your studios first week of Oct.  please encourage your dancers to attend. A great day & great way to fight childhood hunger in Utah.  Hope to see you there! Penny Broussard Director, WDFKP

New Friday Elite ITC Class with JeriAnn in Ogden!

JeriAnn will be starting an Elite ITC class on Fridays in Ogden from 4-5 PM for dancers ages 10-13. This team will compete at one competition and perform in the Spring Recital. Classes will begin this week, if she has enough students. This team will also learn a second routine starting in November. Please let your friends know and call or text the Ogden Office 801.393.5200 to sign up or for more info! Thanks!!

Infinity Intensive Schedule & Info.

September 27-29  – Infinity In-house INTENSIVE (mandatory for all competition teams) General schedule: Thursday & Friday (Sept. 27-28) 4:00-9:00 PM Saturday (Sept. 29) 10 AM to 5 PM 11 AM to 3 PM (Jumpstart teams TBA) Upcoming Payment reminders: September 13  -  In-house Intensive due September 27  – Warm Ups due (new this year for all auditioned competition teams) October 25  – Costume fees due November 15  – Accessory fee due November 29  – 1 st  Competition fee payment due  Scentsy fundraiser starts September 24. Please see Scentsy post for more details. You are strongly encouraged to take advantage of fundraisers and make regular, extra payments in advance of fee due dates. All fundraiser earnings can go toward costume fees due in October. Please check with the office if you have any questions regarding amounts due for your account. Thanks!! 😊

Scentsy Fundraiser is Coming!!

Hi Parents and Dancers of Infinity Dance, It is that time of year again for the Scentsy Fundraiser.   Dancers will earn 25% of all sales (before taxes), anyone that sells more than $500 will receive 30% of all sales! This year we will be doing the fundraiser starting on Monday, September 24 th .   We will have packets at the studio for you or your dancer to pick up.   If you know you would like to participate by doing online orders only, you can go to and click on the “Infinity Dance Fundraiser” link. We will have instructions for online ordering at the studio to pick up and also included in the fundraiser packets. All online orders will be directly shipped to the customer. For online orders, make sure to text the customer name and your dancers name to Ann @ 208-760-7566 or Samantha @ 801-663-3477 to ensure sure you get credit for those orders. We will collect packets on October 8 th .   It is important that packets are turned in...

Important: Peach Days Rehearsal, Parade & Line Up Info.

Peach Days Parade & Performance Info. Costume fee is $75 and is past due! If you haven't paid yet, be sure to bring cash or check tomorrow night. Costumes will be handed out at the end of parade rehearsal. Fees must be paid in order to receive your costume.  Dancers will need to provide their own blackout converse.  Make sure new shoes are broken in before parade and wear them to rehearsal. September 5 4:00-5:30 p.m. Rehearsal for Housework and Great Balls of Fire at the Brigham Studio (for dancers who were in the routine last year and still currently dancing this season) 6:00-9:00 p.m. Mandatory evening road rehearsal for all parade dancers. Meet at the Room Loft in Brigham City, 475 E 1000 S, Brigham. Wear your converse to practice and bring water! September 8 Peach Days Parade Main Street Brigham City. Dancers need to be there performance ready at 9 a.m.  Parade starts at 10 a.m.  We are #24. Our check in station is W4 in front of Dixie Gr...