Hello Infinity Family, We have been informed that there may be a chance a few of our teachers have been exposed to Covid. To err on the side of caution, we are going to close down the studio for the week. While we will not physically be in the studio, we do have a structured plan for the week. Apex, Academy, Ignite and Spark- Your routines classes will be posted on Facebook. To receive credit for your class, you will need to record learned choreography and send it back. All technique and training classes missed can be made up with training Tuesday classes when we return to the studio. If you're not part of Infinity's Facebook page, please go to Infinity Dance on Facebook and "Like" our page. Comment on the most recent picture with your dancers name and team and we will get you signed up to a private group. Sparkle and Spunk, Bee Boppers, Funkey Monkeys, Jeriann's teams . We will have a makeup day available for all of these teams. We are currently wor...