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Showing posts from August, 2020

Audition Form and 2020/2021 Team Information

 To access the Audition form click on the following link. Please print and sill out the form to send in with your dancer. We will be issuing audition numbers and taking pictures of each dancer auditioning  2020/2021 Audition forms Infinity Auditions Tuesday Sept. 1 4-5 p.m.- 4-6 year olds Heidi Jazz combo/sparks  5-6 p.m.- APEX/CREW/ACADEMY 13&up Tech Hiedi (Adv.) 6-7 p.m. APEX/CREW/ACADEMY Jazz Combo 13 & up McKenna (Adv.) 7-8 p.m. APEX/CREW/ACADEMY HH Combo 13 & up Ellie 4-5 p.m.- 7-8 year olds Academy/Ignite Lindsey combo (Beg-Int) 5-6 p.m.- 9–12 year olds APEX/ACADEMY Combo McKenna (Adv/Int) 6-7 p.m. 9-12 year old APEX/ACADEMY HH Combo Ellie 7-8 p.m. 9-12 Years APEX/ACADEMY Tech. Amber 5-6 p.m.- 7-8  years Academy/Ignite Tech. Amber (Int/Adv.) 6-7 p.m.- 9-12 years Ignite Combo Amber Wednesday Sept 2rd 4-5 p.m. 4-6 years Sparks Audition  4-5 p.m. 7-8 years Academy/Ignite Audition 5-6 p.m. 9-12 Ignite Audition 6-7 p.m. 13 & up APEX/ACADEMY/Crew...

End of Season Party Monday Night!

We are excited to end our season tomorrow with a viewing party of routines performed by our IPC, IDC, Company, and ADP teams. We hope to see everyone tomorrow night! Audition information for September 1-3rd will be posted shortly along with audition forms.   

Infinity Rec Recital Thursday, August 27th @6pm

 We are excited to have our Rec teams perform this Thursday starting at 6pm at our Ogden Studio!  as a reminder we ask only 2 guest attend per dancer so that we can properly social distance everyone. We also ask that you wear a mask. Please feel free to record so that you can share with those who were not able to attend.  Our line up for the evening will be:  6 pm 1. Cruisin' Jeri Ann's Brigham City team  2. I'm A Boss Taylor Elms 4-6 year olds 3. Take on the World Millie Brewer Jr ITC  4. Tropical Cuties Jeri Ann's Brigham City team.  Awards, and Pictures.  7pm 5. Sugar Pie Jenessa's 3&4 year old class 6. Boots Jeri Ann Mini ITC Ogden 7. Fame Jenessa's 5&6 year old class Awards and pictures. 
 We are so excited to welcome Becky Erickson to our studio Saturday, August 22nd for a Ballet Intensive.  We will have 2 class times to offer and classes are limited to 15 students per class. cost is $20 per student.   9:30am-11am  Intermediate ages 8-11  11am-12:30pm Advanced ages 12 and up (younger advanced dancers may be approved to take this class)  here is some information about Becky:  Becky Erickson Ballet, Pointe, Beamish BodyMind Balancingâ„¢ Becky has graced the stage as a principal ballerina since the young age of 18. Becky primarily trained with the Cache Valley School of Ballet in Logan Utah, after graduating from the CVSB’s Sandy Emile syllabus she had further training with Dance West's Maggie Moore, NYCBs Jonathan Stafford, Ballet West, Inishfre Irish Dance, and the Northwest Dance Intensive's Jehrin Alexandria. Becky has performed for many professional and community theatres including: Cache Community Theatre, Cache Valley Civic Ball...

Schedule for August 17-20th

Here are the schedules for next week. As a reminder this is the LAST week of our summer season!  Click on the link below for both the Ogden and Brigham schedules. *tabs on the bottom of the page are labeled with Brigham and Ogden to see both schedules* Audition information will be posted next week!

Audition Dates!!

  We will have audition times posted soon! 

End of Year Rec Recital, Loyalty awards and Party.

Hello! We are in the last few weeks of our season and I just wanted to give you a few dates to add to your calendar.  We will be holding our Rec Recital at the Ogden Studio On August 27th at 6pm. This will be for both Ogden and Brigham Rec teams: Taylor 4-6 year old's, Jenessa's 3&4 year olds, Jenessa's 5& 6 year olds, Jeriann's Jr and Mini teams, and Millie's Jr Prep team.  We will have more details about this posted soon!  We will be doing our end of year recital/party a little different this year. We will be hosting a routine review party at the West Haven Country Park, Monday August 31st at 6pm. We will have our loyalty awards and have a big screen with all routines to view from our, ADP, Company, IDC and IPC teams. This will be for both our Ogden and Brigham Studios. We hope you can all make it and ask that we still remember to practice social distancing during the party. We will have more information posted ASAP! Here is the list of Loyalty Awards for ...

Team Picture Schedule

Team/Individual picture schedule.  We will be holding team/individual pictures at the Ogden Studio, August 11th from 4-9pm and August 12th  at the Brigham Studio from 5-6:30pm Cost for pictures are $25 please bring a check made out to Dave Brewer or Venmo payment to Dave @Dave-Brewer-Photography with your dancers name and team.  To maintain guidelines of social distancing, we ask that only 1 parent be in attendance with your dancer during pictures and that you follow the schedule listed below. Please make sure to wear your mask while in the studio.  Thank you!  Ogden Schedule 4:00pm - 4&6 year old comp (Taylor)  4:45pm -Mini Prep (Jeriann) Cowgirl outfit 5:30pm - 4 year old comp & 5-6 year old comp (Jenessa)  6:15pm - Jr Prep (Millie)  6:45pm Mini IDC Jazz 7:15pm Tiny and Mini IPC Jazz costumes  7:45pm Elite IPC Lyrical 8:15pm Jr IDC Jazz 8:45pm Elite Company (Lyrical) and Sr Company (costume TBA) Brigham Schedule 5:00pm - Jr ITC...

August Dance Schedule

Hello Infinity Family!  We are excited to be back in the studio Monday,  August 3rd. Our class schedules will remain the same for the weeks of August 3-6th and  August 10-13th (June/July schedule). The week of August 18th-21st we will switch to the evening as schools will  be in session. Times will be posted ASAP. We will have the following 2 weeks off for  auditions and to prepare for our 2020-2021 dance season. More information will be posted about that soon!  As a reminder, we will be holding team pictures for our Company, IDC, IPC, and all rec teams, Tuesday August 11th-12th. A detailed schedule will be posted to the blog on Monday.  PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU'RE SENDING YOUR DANCERS IN WITH A MASK AND REMIND THEM OF SOCIAL DISTANCING. THANK YOU!