The solo form for Spotlight is below. Remember, fees are due Monday, February 2. Solo forms are due no later than Tuesday, February 3 . Very detailed information is needed for Spotlight. Please ensure every field is filled out or registration won't be able to be completed. PLEASE READ REGISTRATION RULES BELOW CAREFULLY AND CHECK WITH YOUR CHOREOGRAPHER IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS. SPOTLIGHT REQUIRES A $25 FOR ANY CHANGE REQUESTS AFTER REGISTRATION. Recreational Divisions - Please read the level descriptions carefully and be fair and honest, as your dancers’ placement is based on the honor system. Any routine challenged and found to be ineligible may be disqualified or bumped to the proper division at the Show Director’s and/or Judges’ discretion. These Divisions are divided by age (11 & under and 12 & up) for overall awards unless the minimum number of routines requirement is not met, in which case they will be combined at Spotlight’s discretion. Novice Gems – No Compe...