Parents, I know that this is going to be a very long post but it is extremely important that you read through everything! This will provide you with all information you need for next week rehearsal times, solo, duo, trio review sign-ups, competition and convention schedule, restrictions, and guidelines. Rehearsal Information If you're reading this and not competing at Transcend, your regular class times will remain the same all week. Monday February 1st. Costumes will be in dressing rooms assigned to each team. Costumes must be paid in full!! click on the following link to access hair and makeup information for competition. hair and makeup Tuesday, February 2nd. Solo Review sign up- This is for all Solo, Duo, Trios attending Transcend. Please come in your costume as well as hair and makeup! Mandy, Ellie, McKenna, and Amber will offer feedback to dancers to help prepare them for Transcend. Solo, Duo, Trio Sign Up Ambe...